Mohamed Imran Lakhi

Director & Responsible Pharmacist

Your care is imperative to PrescriptionDoctor


Mohamed Imran Lakhi has been the superintendent pharmacist for our UK-registered pharmacy since 2010. He gained a Master of Pharmacy Degree in 2003 from De Montfort University (Leicester) and has worked as a pharmacist for numerous large pharmacy chains, including Boots and Lloyds. In 2017, he became an independent prescriber.

From being on the front lines of the healthcare system as a pharmacist at a number of GP surgeries, he's witnessed the growing demand for quick and convenient healthcare.

Seeing an opportunity to improve the way his patients sought treatment, he turned his attention online and collaborated with Prescription Doctor.

Since 2015, Imran has been at the core of our team, overseeing our pharmacy's operations, managing our growing itinerary and ensuring the safety of our patients.

His contributions have helped thousands of patients across the country get access to medicine and related literature with just a few clicks. Six years on, Imran continues to improve the way patients get access to medicine and advice.

With almost a decade of experience working with Al-Muhsineen Ltd, trading as Halliwell Late Night Pharmacy and Prescription Doctor.

He has an interest in Mounjaro weight loss pens and Wegovy weight loss pen. He oversees the content to ensure that all medicines are prescribed safely and that information regarding our other medical products, such as our Test Kits, is accurate and current.

His pharmacy has been delivering an extensive range of services to patients, including prescription dispensing, private consultations and screening for a number of diseases, such as diabetes and chlamydia.

When he's not helping walk-in patients at our brick and mortar pharmacy, he's using his expertise in pharmacology to write informative articles and information for the online side of the business - Prescription Doctor. Imran is also the director of SSLD Healthcare, which operates under Colne Road Pharmacy, and offers his expertise as a locum pharmacist.

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