Al Muhsineen t/a Prescription Doctor is an online provider of medicine and healthcare. We appreciate feedback from our customers to help us improve our products and services. As a responsible provider, we take complaints seriously and aim to resolve issues as quickly and efficiently as we can.
This policy sets out how we ensure that complaints are handled fairly and consistently.
We encourage those who have had a good experience with us to voice their feedback. Your feedback is useful for us to improve our services. You can post a review of our service on TrustPilot.
We are committed to resolving complaints made about us as quickly and fairly as possible. Complaints help us to identify ways we can improve our service going forward.
Some complaints may not be able to be resolved internally. In these cases, we will forward your complaint to the relevant department or third party in order to resolve the matter.
Complaints are usually actioned within 2 working days, though they may take longer if a third party is required to provide further information.
To send feedback or complaints, send us a message via your online Prescription Doctor account.
You can also use the customer services form on our website to submit feedback or make a complaint.
Alternatively, you can send a direct email addressed to enquiries(at)prescriptiondoctor(dot)com.
Please provide us with as much information as you can in order for us to help you, including your order number, full name and any preferred contact details, such as an email address and phone number.
We are unable to handle the following complaints:
You can make a complaint about the service we provided to you.
Complaints can be made about the following:
You can make complaints about products in the following situations:
*All orders placed through are subject to a doctor's approval. Our doctor may change the quantity, dosage and/or product if they deem it suitable. You will be informed of this change and whether further charges are needed. If you do not agree with the doctor's decision, you can opt to cancel your order and receive a full refund.
Under the above circumstances, our customer service team will advise you on what to do.
We may require you to provide evidence to support your complaint. This may include images of the product you received.
In some cases, we may require you to return the item to us. You can find out more about returning your item in our Refunds and Returns Policy.
Please understand that we cannot accept returned medicine which has been been opened or used. If you have used a medicine and no longer need it, please take it to your nearest pharmacy and ask them to dispose of them safely on your behalf. We cannot collect your item on your item on your behalf.
You may be entitled to a full or partial refund depending on whether we are at fault or if the prescription changes.
We cannot deal with complaints about products in the following situations:
While we cannot deal with these circumstances as complaints against our service, our medical team may be able to provide advice or information relevant to your situation.
For life-threatening emergency situations, dial 999 or go straight to your nearest hospital.
Complaints regarding delivery may launching an investigation with the courier in order to resolve. As such, they may take longer to deal with than other complaints. We appreciate your patience while your complaint is investigated.
We can handle complaints about deliveries in the following situations:
If any of the above situations apply, let us know promptly, and we will investigate them as soon as we can.
We may be able to offer a refund for the delivery charge if it is our fault.
We cannot deal with complaints about deliveries in the following situations:
You can find out more about our Delivery.
We handle each complaint on a case-by-case basis. We strive to be fair and consistent with how we deal with each complaint, while also assuring your confidentiality.
Complaints about our service are handled as soon as possible - usually within 2 working days. Complaints regarding deliveries or products may take longer to deal with. We will keep you informed via email.
In cases were we require information from third-parties, we will keep you informed via email regarding any information we receive in regards with your claim.
If you are not satisfied with how a complaint was handled, you can provide further feedback by contacting us using the customer services page or by sending an email directly to enquiries(at)prescriptiondoctor(dot)com, or call us on 0208 1917 477.
© 2013 - 2025 Al Muhsineen Limited. All Rights Reserved. Registered Pharmacy: 34 Halliwell Road, Bolton BL1 8RL. Registered Office: 254 First Floor, Shearbrow, Blackburn, England, BB1 8DS