Jet Lag is a common problem occurring after travel to destinations in a different time zone.
It can take several days for the body to adjust to the new time zone. Medication such as Circadin can help to adjust and relieve symptoms. It can also help establish a good sleeping pattern allowing you to be refreshed and energetic for all your activities.
Our Doctors are able to supply safe and effective short term relief of Jet Lag after review of a short medical questionnaire. Select the required medication below.
Jet Lag is a common problem after travelling to destinations in a different time zone.
It can take several days for the body to adjust to the new time zone. Medication such as Circadin can help to adjust and relieve symptoms. It can also help establish a good sleeping pattern allowing you to be refreshed and energetic for all your activities.
Our Doctors are able to supply safe and effective short-term relief of Jet Lag after review of a short medical questionnaire. Select the required medication below.
Jet Lag or desynchronosis is a common physiological condition due to alterations in your body's normal circadian rhythm. It occurs after a trans-meridian flight and through multiple time zones. Once the destination is reached, it can take a few days for the body to adjust its “clock” (circadian rhythm). As your body is not used to the change in time, you experience symptoms such as fatigue and insomnia, which can take a few days to adjust.
It is important to understand that Jet Lag is a phenomenon which occurs due to transmeridian travel, which is east to west or vis-versa. It is thought that travelling southward does not cause jet lag but can cause travel fatigue. If you have travelled to a destination in the same time zone or southward, you can experience fatigue or sleep disturbances similar to Jet Lag. It disappears after one day and a good night's sleep. Medication is generally not required, but Circadin can help to relieve short-term insomnia or sleep disturbance caused by flight travel.
Travel across multiple time zones and to far places can cause the body to desynchronise from its usual rhythm. The day-night cycle and subsequent exposure to light and dark play an integral role in maintaining normal rhythms. As the exposure is different at your destination, the body's normal patterns for eating, sleeping, body temperature and hormone regulations are upset. As the body struggles to adjust, it can result in jet lag symptoms, as detailed below. Jet Lag can affect everyone differently, and the recovery time differs for everyone. It is important to keep well hydrated, rest, and sleep appropriately to recover as quickly and safely as possible. Our doctors can provide expert advice, so don't hesitate to ask questions.
Jet Lag can affect each person differently and last a few days. Crossing more time zones or travelling eastward can increase symptoms' intensity and take longer to adjust. The common symptoms are:-
Light exposure is the strongest factor in realigning the body's rhythm. Controlled exposure to light
can reduce adjustment time. It is preferable to book flights which arrive in daylight. It is advisable to rest and then explore your surroundings and enjoy the daylight as it lasts. When it dims, melatonin which aids sleep is released, which can allow you to fall asleep.
Taking naps after arrival or during the day if you are very tired can help to alleviate tiredness and fatigue. Naps should be no longer than 30 minutes and should not be taken late afternoon as it can interfere with a good night's sleep. Avoidance of naps if possible, is recommended, and you should aim to sleep at a similar time as normal.
Keep well hydrated. After arrival, you can drink caffeinated products in the morning but avoid them after midday as they can keep you awake at night.
For daytime flights, keep active as it revitalises your body, keeping you mentally alert, which can help to reduce jet lag. If you are tired or are undergoing an overnight flight, it is recommended to take naps and avoid caffeine or alcohol.
There is no specific treatment to alleviate or even cure jet lag. The medical intervention aims to promote or induce sleep. Rectifying sleep patterns and getting enough sleep at night can help to reduce the other symptoms of Jet Lag. It leaves you refreshed and energetic.
Our Doctors can issue Circadin 2 mg tablets after completing a short questionnaire. You can proceed to order by choosing the medication above.
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