Haemorrhoids are an unpleasant and very private condition. Anyone suffering from haemorrhoids can relieve some of the suffering by avoiding these seven things.
Some soaps, washing powders and cleaning products may contain perfumes and other chemicals with ingredients that can irritate the tender skin around the anus.
Take care when cleaning, especially after using the toilet. Avoid any harsh chemicals; use soft toilet paper and consider using moistened, disposable wipes. When showering, avoid vigorous scrubbing around the buttocks and anus.
Though completely natural, apple cider vinegar is not a cure-all. Simply because something is natural does not make it beneficial, and vinegar in your diet can make haemorrhoids more painful.
Keeping up normal liquid intake is vital, however, as water is used by the body's digestive system to regulate healthy stools. Filtered fruit juices in moderation (as they have a high sugar content) can easily replace 'natural' remedies like apple cider vinegar. The best choice? Still water, chilled if you prefer.
Plan to consume roughly two litres of water a day. This does not mean having half a litre at breakfast, half a litre at lunch, and so on. Regulate and spread out your liquid intake so you avoid taxing your kidneys and bladder. Any undue pressure in your system, whether from a full bladder, swollen prostate, or bloated intestines, can worsen the effects of haemorrhoids.
Make a goal of steadily sipping water throughout the day, increasing intake during meals if you wish. Avoid caffeinated and carbonated drinks.
If you find your sleep disturbed by night-time trips to the bathroom, set a general rule of thumb to stop drinking liquids at least an hour before bedtime.
Extended time sitting, whether on a cushioned chair, wooden chair, or bare toilet seat, can actually weaken muscles around the anus, leading to haemorrhoids. If you already have haemorrhoids, sitting for lengthy periods of time can make them worse.
A workday alternative to prolonged sitting is to get up every 15 minutes, even if only to walk to the end of a hallway and back. Some sufferers find relief by using standing desks.
At home, avoid too much couch time. Balance sitting with moderate exercise. Keeping your muscles supple and your torso limber will make digestion easier, relieving the pressure of haemorrhoids.
Unfortunately in our hurried lives, we seem to compel even basic bodily functions to work on an artificially sped up biological clock. Whether through prolonged sitting, lack of exercise, or change in diet, slow bowel movements do occur from time to time. Rather than strain vigorously while going to the toilet, relax and try again later if at all possible.
Increase water intake to promote healthy bowel movements. Note any medications, including supplements like vitamins and dietary pills, so your doctor can see if side effects from them could be causing difficulty eliminating.
While straining while on the toilet can be harmful, so too can be delay. Ignoring the natural signals your digestive tract sends can lead to compacted stools, backing up from the natural storage area, the rectum, into the sigmoid colon and even into the descending colon.
Constipation worsens haemorrhoids, so when your body sends the signals to eliminate solid waste, pay attention. Relax, interrupt what you are doing, and go to the toilet.
Foods low in fibre increase the risk of constipation. Consuming more fibre eases the need to strain when eliminating. Foods high in fibre include:
By contrast, low-fibre foods include highly processed snack foods, yogurt, semi soft and soft cheeses, most fish, eggs, smooth peanut butter, white rice, and strained soups and broths.
No question - haemorrhoids can be maddening. The urge to scratch the itch and burning of haemorrhoids can distract even the most driven person from whatever important task is before her or him. Unfortunately scratching around the tender, inflamed area only makes matters worse, as the haemorrhoids can bleed, become even more sensitive, or grow more swollen.
Speak with your doctor about topical relief ointments or creams that can lessen the urge to scratch. Avoid tight-fitting clothing as these can rub against the haemorrhoids and aggravate them further.
If you are suffering from haemorrhoids for the first time in your life, consult your doctor to ensure an accurate diagnosis. If you are encountering a flare-up, also consider effective haemorrhoid treatments such as those available online at trusted online pharmacies like Prescription Doctor. With the help of these sensible precautions, advice from medical professionals, and prescription treatments, haemorrhoids need not impair the quality of your life.
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