Secure Checkout
  • Secure Payment
  • No Registration Required
  • 1. Answer medical questions
  • 2. Choose treatment
  • 3. Complete order

Step 1 of 3

Please answer a few medical questions from our practitioner to prescribe your medication.

Please note: If you need urgent assistance, do not use this service. Call 111, or in an emergency call 999.
Are you a male or female?
(Biological assigned gender at birth)
What is your height?
What is your weight?
What is your blood pressure?
What is your date of birth?
Do you smoke?
How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?
Have you had any cardiovascular(heart) problems or have you ever had a stroke?
Can you walk 3 miles without pain in your chest?
Do you suffer from any allergies?
Are you currently taking any other medication, or have recently finished a course of medication?
Is there a history of any disorder that has run within your family?
Have you ever had any major surgery?
Do you believe you have the mental capacity to make decisions about your own healthcare?
What is your ethnicity?
Do you agree to give consent for’s prescribers and/or pharmacist to access your summary care record (SCR)?

Your Treatment

Are you currently registered with a UK GP practice?
Due to government regulations issued by the General Pharmaceutical Council, all online prescribing services now require you to confirm your GPs details so that they can be informed of your treatment. By doing so, we can make sure you're receiving the best level of care while also giving you a service that's safe, reliable and tailored to your needs.

Search for your GP by entering a postcode (yours or theirs).

Can you tell us why you are not currently registered with a GP, or why you're unsure? This consultation requires us to share this treatment with your GP.
Do you agree that you have answered all of the above questions accurately and truthfully. You understand our prescribers will prescribe medication based on your responses, any incorrect responses or deliberate acts to misinform may be hazardous to your health. You are happy for your consultation to be reviewed by a Pharmacist Independent prescriber.
Marketing communications:
From time to time, we may send you emails about our similar products, services, or promotional offers.
If you don’t want to receive these emails, you can always opt-out from your account.

Fill out your personal details.

Enter name, email and phone number.

Repeat Email:
* Create Password:
* Repeat Password:
Billing Address

Please enter your billing address. This is the one which is linked to your bank account and allows us to complete your ID check.

Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Address Line 3:
Postal code:
Delivery Address
Delivery Address:
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Address Line 3:
Postal code:
Choose Delivery Method
Customer Service